Light Atlas

Light Atlas consists of 360 paintings, one marking every 25 miles along Cynthia Daignault's 2014 road trip around the United States. This rigid formula of stopping whenever the odometer hit 25 each day meant the artist did not necessarily select 360 postcard-worthy snapshots of America. Instead, Daignault created a 360-degree view of the nation that is stunning and surprisingly honest. The resulting collection of paintings represents many small parts of a whole. Together, the paintings suggest the expansiveness of the American landscape through accumulating moments rather than depending on a single image. The arrangement of the individual canvases can change, but all 360 are always displayed together. The colors to me connect them all, white, blue green and brown. All are just random places in America, linked together through oil-painted sky and land. Photographed at the North Carolina Museum of Art.


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