Penelope Umbrico - Perez Art Museum Miami

28,524,323 Suns from Sunsets from Flickr (Partial) 08/03/2015, 2015 is created from 2,242 photographs of sunsets taken by the public and uploaded to the image sharing platform Flickr. On Flickr, people can sort through millions of images that have been "tagged," or marked according to certain categories of images-in this case, sunsets. Like sunsets themselves, each of the photographs is different. But through this gesture of accumulation, Umbrico's work points to the fact that while each image is indeed unique and recorded by an individual, once brought together on the Internet, they are revealed to be ostensibly the same picture- our collective memories. The sublime and singular relationship we have to natural beauty, and our desire to document it, becomes a beautiful cliche of image saturation.


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